Science explains How to Fulfill your new Year Resolutions

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

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According to a poll conducted by Marist 44% of us made new year resolution for 2015. But out of 44% only a few would actually fulfill their resolution and would be able to achieve their goals. And the good news is that you could be a part of these people.The question is why a large number of people fail to achieve their desired goals? Lets take example of joining gym.
Many people would have made a resolution of joining gym this year and adapt a healthy life style. But many of them would have already quit. Why? The root cause is that we have a tendency to get frustrated and hopeless by initial failures and as a result stop trying altogether.
After years of study and analysis psychologists are able point out the patterns that lead to failure  in achieving goals.And they've came up with some conclusions. Acting upon which you could increase your will power and that will ultimately lead you to success.

1) Break Down Your Goals:

Breaking long term goals into small goals will not only facilitate in achieving the long term goals, it also motivates you. For example if you want to run 50 kilometers you could break this 50 km long goal into 5 smaller goals of 10 km each. In this way every time you achieve 10 km your moral would increase and hunger for achieving 50 km would also increase ultimately leading you towards the accomplishment of your goal.

2)Reward Your Self:

Every time you accomplish your smaller goals reward yourself with something you like. For instance if you are dieting and you've achieved your smaller goal of losing 2 pounds out of bigger goal i.e 10 pounds, eating your favorite food other than your diet plan 
won't hurt. But make sure to take it in reasonable quantity particularly in case of dieting.

3)Work In Groups:

Surrounding yourself with the people achieving a similar goal is the best way to accomplish your goals. There is a sense of competition and humans don't want to lose. Having people sharing common goals will also motivate you as some one accomplishes the goal you would also feel how it is to reach to that end. There would be people behind you in struggle of accomplishing their goal and you would want to set an example for them. In a nutshell your moral will sky-rocket by having people around you sharing same goal as you. 

4) Take Small Steps Daily:

This is a step that will keep you centered toward your goal. Keep moving toward your goal daily no matter how small it is. For example if you want to achieve a goal of reading 200 pages monthly, do your best to browse through a single page even if you you have terribly small time that day. You will notice how satisfied you are even though you've read only a single page.

Accomplishing your goal has three phases. First you decide and at that time your motivation level is at its peak, second phase is when you start working for it. During this phase you may have some second thoughts and your motivation level may go down. The third phase is failure. It is the most difficult phase and at that time your motivation hits the bottom. This is the phase you particularly  want to work on and keep in mind that to "er is human" and we don't have any super powers Don't give up and try to find a silver lining in it. Once you pass this phase then there is no power that could stop you to achieve your goal.


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