Closest Religion To The Science - Can Science and Religion Co-exist?

Friday, 2 January 2015

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We humans,we've always questioned. We've questioned nature, phenomena and above all the universe. And to find the answer to those questions we've worked out theories and explanations. When these were not enough we conducted experiments to prove the phenomenon under question.
This led to discoveries and advancement of science and technology. But man also has spiritual needs and to satisfy those he needed a religion. A logical person expects that if the religion is true it shouldn't contradict science. He demands that if the God is there and if he created this entire universe He should be aware of its phenomena. The ultimate question arises can science and religion coexist?
As a Muslim and a student of science I consider Islam to be the closest religion to Science. Many of the phenomenon explained by science till this date had been explained already in Quran- the Holy Book of Muslims 1400 years ago. Listed Below are some of the phenomenon and facts stated by Quran and their proof in the light of modern science. 


As for Muslims this topic is not contradictory. Muslims believe in both theories. Allah calls Himself AL-KHALIQ “The Creator” and not just the creator He also calls Himself AL-BARI “the evolver”. As per science origin is still a mystery. There is no specific explanations to origin of man. As per Darwin’s theory of evolution is concerned, putting it in a nutshell “Humans evolved from apes” , it is based upon limited research and resources. There is no DNA research to provide a solid ground for Darwin’s theory. As far as resemblance is concerned many other species of animals resemble more to humans than apes.


Earliest theories  about the birth of man by Aristotle and Lenardo di vinci were that of dwarf embroyo.  These theories were discarded in 1775 by Spallanzani and supported by Van Beneden. So it is established that man didn’t understand that the embryo is created when man’s sperm fuse with woman's egg.

Islam About Birth of Man:

Islam gave the correct explanation of creation of man in Quran 1400 years ago i.e male sperm fuses with egg to form an embryo, Below are few verses to explain this concept.

“Verily We created man from a drop of a mingled fluid-drop (nutfa amshaj), in order to try him: so We gave him (the gifts), of hearing and sight.” (Chapter 76:Verse 2).

“He has created man from a sperm (fluid-drop) and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer.” (Chapter 16: Verse  4).

“Woe to man! What has made him reject (Allah)? From what stuff has He created him? From a nutfa (fluid-drop) He has created him, and then molds him in due proportions.”(Chapter 80: Verse 17-19)

Modern Science proves these concepts. Science tells us that there are two type of chromosomes X and Y chromosomes that are responsible for determining the sex of man. Quran had already described this concept
“That He created the pairs, male and female, from a fluid-drop sperm as it is emitted.” (53: 45-46).

These were a few examples and proof that science and religion could coexist. Quran advises us to ponder and think. And it tells us that there are hints for those who understand. In the coming days I will reflect more on this topic.

Here is an Online site that will help you to explore Quran with translation.
Tanzil Project

Science Islam

NOTE: This article is intended for knowledge only and is based on my own opinion. No offence intended to any one reading this.


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