Biotechnology: Mutant Humans Could Be A Strong Possibility

Friday, 26 December 2014

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We've all dreamed of possessing super powers. We've wished that we could fly like super man or could disappear like the characters in movies. While this may seem impossible but the pace at which science is progressing this could be possible
in future for humans to possess super powers. Biotechnology is the field of science in which genes are engineered for the well being of humans.
Presently there are many examples of people which claim to have some real super powers like Natasha Demkina who claims that she has x-ray vision or Liew Thow Lin is a real world Magneto.
But the powers we are talking about here are given by biotechnology. These include increased immunization against dangerous diseases, increased life span and removal of defective genes and replacement with the strong ones.
So in future a person may go to a doctor and could have his defective genes removed and could ask for some real cool trait and you may never know you could be next superman. :)


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